Friday 14 October 2011

Meeting Protein Needs on a Vegan Diet: The Calorie Connection | The Vegan RD

Interesting discussion last night about our forthcoming Food Evening (25th October).One concern is about a diet low in meat/dairy and would it supply enough protien? If we were eating meat only a few times a week then how can we replace that protien?

I'm very far from being a vegan although most of the foods I enjoy are vegan and the high cost of butter, cream, orgainic milk has certainly led to me reducing the amounts I buy.I'm pretty used now to drinking soya milk in my hot drinks.

Don't know if I could give up Mozzarrella -not what passes for that product here in the UK but the stuff sold in the local market in Italy which is smooth like silk! I think we are jus getting the stuff they reject!!

Anyway a link to a very interesting forum on veganism.

Meeting Protein Needs on a Vegan Diet: The Calorie Connection The Vegan RD

We also talked about switching from beef ,lamb and pork to chicken. My worry about that is the chickens used in most dishes and ready meals including KFC and McDonalds is produced in huge (polluting) factory farms and comes from places in the world where standards on welfare and food safety are pretty dire.So is the answer to switch to eating more chicken.Not to me it isn't.

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